Projects of LFV Aviation Consulting.
Client: AEROTHAI, Thailand
LFV Aviation Consulting was appointed as AEROTHAI ATM- consultancy partner when, AEROTHAI was planning the commissioning of their new ATM-system, which will take place 2013/14.
- System Design Document
- New operational concept for Thailand, AEROTHAI
- Share experience & transfer competence from both organisations.
Client: Kurdistan Regional Government
The contract with the Kurdistan Regional Government was based largely on "provisional sums". LFV Aviation Consulting intention was to perform the projects as internationally regognized consultant organization that has earlier provided consultancy services of high quality for similar projects.
Client: Bhutan
- To formulate recommendations for improving the airport and heliports, evaluate and propose a cicil aviaton policy, develop a flight safety policy, strengthen the legal, institutional and capacity systems from an enviromental viewpoint, and examine staffing and training needs.
- Carry out a Management Training Programme for key personnel in the Department of Civil Aviation and assisting the Management in implementing the Master Plan.
Client: Mongolia
In Mongolia, LFV Aviation Consulting since 2000 engaged in a developement project concerning upgrade of the aviation sector.
The work focuses on the following main areas:
- Air Traffic Controllers training. The work covers all phases of the ATCO supply process: selection, basic training, transition training and continuation (skills) training.
- Human Resources Management development including management training.
- Implementation of ADS-B and ground-based GNSS argumentation to support ATM for the domestic traffic.
Client: Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan
LFV Aviation Consulting has been active in the south Caucasus region and has cooperated with Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan since 1998.
- Air Traffic Service operations including ATCO training
- Air Space Management including a new aviation legislation
- Human Resources Management including management training
- Space Management including a new aviation legislation
Client: The Indonesian Directorate General of Air Communication (DGAC)
- Producing Master Plans, Development Plans and Investment programs for 25 airports in Eastern Indonesia.
- Assistance by implemenation program for modernization of the airports and strenghtening the Air Safety Facilities.
- Implementation of a new concept for a Satellite Navigation System connected to CNS/ATM program.
Client: The Erbil International Airport
The Erbil International Airport Upgrading project was ongoing between 2006-2009. The goal was "to bring Erbil International into "full operation" on a long-term basis for both international and domestic traffic" This included maintaining the performance of the existing operation as well as preparing the staff for operation the new airport.
Client: Avinor, Norway
- Implementing the ATM-system NATCON North
- Job training
- Help with all regulations and procedures
Client: The Flight Safety authorities in Switzerland
- Audits of Swiss Air Navigation Service Provider, of operational assessement of Zurich & Geneva, of the training centre, management and technical audits
Client: Airport of Pristina, Kosovo
- Upgrading of Pristina Airport
- Managing and supervision of rehabilitaion program
- Runway/Taxiway/Apron resurfacing, a new drainage system
- Geological & hydrological assessement
- Installation of an airfield lightning system & electrical power supply system
Client: Serbia
- Training of local staff
- Analysis of current Serbian aviation legislation and analysis of its consistency with EU legislation in order to update the Serbian Civila Aviation Act.
LFV Aviation Consulting has since 2002 been contracted by EUROCONTROL for a number of different project such as:
- Validation Methodology for the Overall ATM/CNS Target Architecture (OATA)
- Conflict Resolution Assistant (CORA)
- Best Practices on Taxiway and Apron
- Operational Readiness Training (ORT)
- Collaboration Descussion Making
- Introduction Safety Net (STCA, MTCD)
Maria Wall Petrini